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Some ideas about preparing yourself to start the course

I point out below a few content resources you could think about, but one aspect that I really think you should look at in advance, particularly if you come from a non law background, is the process of legal writing. It is a different discipline to what you may be used to, and is one of the aspects that many students find very challenging. There are any number of books on this, and I recommend you go to your local bookshop/internet supplier and have a browse. One I think is good is "Successful Legal Writing" by Edwina Higgins and Laura Tatham (2011, Sweet & Maxwell).

In terms of topic resources, have a look at:

- Kelly and Slapper, "The English Legal System", Routledge

- John Murdoch and Will Hughes, Construction Contracts: Law and Management, (4th edn, Taylor & Francis, London, 2008)

- John Adriaanse, Construction Contract Law (3r edn Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, 2010)

- BAILII [Look for Technology and Construction Court decisions]

Finally, please go and make sure you and your computer can talk to the web conferencing software Collaborate (click here). We will of course be providing training and orientation, but there's no harm starting early.
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